
The Nevada Dental Association has been an important part of the community since 1969, providing a voice for dental professionals and many social and charitable opportunities for its members but it can not be successful without the support of our members.

 As a member of the NDA you are offered an annual, tripartite membership inclusive of three components, the American Dental Association, the Nevada Dental Association and the Local Society. Each part maintains significant value for members on each level working to provide the fullest advantage of benefits and services from a National, State, and Local level membership.


Join Now Online

Tripartite membership is available to dentists who reside and practice 50% or more in Nevada. To join, follow the link to apply online. An email receipt will be delivered when application is approved.

Transferring to Nevada

Transfers are necessary when moving to Nevada from another state. Request a transfer and include your current Nevada business address with your request. 

Paper Membership Application

Some may experience difficulty with the online application. The paper application can be submitted via email to or fax to 702-255-3302.

Graduate Student Membership for Specialty Degree Programs

Students who have graduated dental school and are currently attending a specialty graduate program to obtain a specialty license, your membership is free until graduation. Please submit a Graduate Student Application to stay active as an ADA member. The application can be submitted by fax to 702-255-3302 or via email to;

Membership Types

Membership Types

Recent Graduate Membership

If you are a recent dental school graduate graduating with a general dental degree from an accredited university, you are eligible for reduced dues! Membership is FREE within the year of graduation and for the first year out of dental school. Your tripartite annual dues will be reduced for you up to the second year out of dental school. Contact the NDA office for more information, 702-255-4211.

  • Year of Graduation: You pay $0 dues
  • Year 1 out of dental school:  You pay $0 in dues
  • Year 2 out of dental school : You pay 50% of full dues
  • Year 3 and thereafter:  You pay  of full dues
  • You may be eligible for an FQHC or a Full Time Faculty discount if you are employed by an FQHC facility.

Graduate Student attending a Specialty Program

A Graduate Student Application is needed to stay eligible for free membership  through-out your specialty graduate program. Apply:  Graduate Student Application. Submit via email to or fax to 702-255-3302. 

Federally Qualified Health Clinic Member - Northern Nevada

As a full-time FQHC practicing dentist you are eligible for reduced fees for membership. This discount applies to members who are at a full dues rate, for NDA and NNDS members. Contact us at 702-255-4211.

Full-Time Faculty Membership

Full-time faculty dentists receive reduced dues from the NDA portion of your annual dues and is effective for each year that you are employed in a federally qualified campus for example, UNLV School of Dental Medicine and/or Roseman University. Please contact the NDA if you have recently acquired a position in this type of clinic or university. 

Active Life Member

If you are over 65 with 30 consecutive years of membership and still practice dentistry,  you are eligible for reduced rates! Your new invoice will reflect a reduction of 25% of full dues. No application is needed, your invoice will show a reduction of dues for the coming year.

Retired Member

You are eligible to receive a 75% discount if you are fully retired and have not yet met the qualifications for Free Retired Life Membership. If you retired mid-year or after March 31st, you may expect to receive an invoice for full dues. Please fill out this form and submit by fax to 702-255-3302 and contact the NDA at 702-255-4211.   Retired-Affadavit_pdf

Retired Life Member

Fully retired members are eligible for free membership if qualifying criteria is met. Qualifications include being an ADA consecutive member in good standing for 30 years or  a member who has practice for 40 years. Click link below to fill out the Retirement Affidavit to be eligible for reduced dues for the coming year here, you may email it to or fax to 702-255-3302.  Retirement Affidavit

Dues Waiver

A temporary or permanent dues waiver for financial or a disability hardship waiver is available below and must be approved by your local and state component. This form may be submitted via email to or fax to 702-255-3302.  Dues Waiver Request

Dues Structure Dental Societies

NNDS counties are highlighted in blue |  SNDS counties are highlighted in red | NENDS counties are highlighted in green. 


Member Benefits

  1. National benefits are delivered in conjunction with the American Dental Association.
  2. State benefits are delivered through the NDA 2022-2023 Highlights Benefits.
  3. Local benefits are delivered through the Southern Nevada Dental Society, Northern Nevada Dental Society, and the Northeastern Nevada Dental Society.


Member Access Links

Members have access to all the latest news on legislative issues, tools, templates, and guides.

Member Access News
BENEFITS of Membership

Nevada Compliance

NDAJ Publications


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   Earn $500 in Rewards! Here's How

Member Get A Member Rewards

Most members say they are likely to refer membership to their colleagues, so this is your opportunity!


  • Any ADA member dentist is eligible to participate as a recruiter.

  • Graduate student membership is $30/annually and they are eligible for the Member-Get-A-Member incentive.

  • The following are not eligible for referral incentives:

    • Renewals (someone who was a member in 2017) or transfers

    • Complimentary memberships

    • Any member who would pay $0 at the national level in 2017 (including a dentist who graduated from dental school in 2016 and is eligible for the Reduced Dues Program in 2018.)

How to Participate

  • Member recruiters are required to let the ADA know the name of the new member by completing a recruiter’s form for each member recruited. Just enter your name, ADA number, contact information and the name of the dentist you recruited. You are also encouraged to have the member you recruit indicate your name as sponsor on the membership application.

  • ADA member recruiters will receive an email notification after the dentist referred has been accepted into membership. Incentives will be awarded at the end of each quarter (March, June and September).

  • In the case of identical referrals made by multiple member recruiters, only the first recruiter to complete the form will be eligible for the incentive.

  • A $100 gift card will be awarded for each new, active member recruited who pays national dues in 2018 for up to five (5) new active members ($500 in gift cards). No substitutions for the gift card(s) will be made.

  • A member recruiter may decline the incentive and ADA will contribute $100 to the ADA Foundation. Member recruiters understand that this declined incentive does not represent taxable income to the member recruiter, and therefore is not eligible as a tax deduction for the recruiter.

    The ADA Member-Get-A-Member program is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and is void where prohibited by law.